St. John the Baptist Primary School
- Address: 307 N Walnut Ave, Marshfield WI 54449
- Phone: 715-387-1177
- Principal: David Eaton
- Secretary: Jenny Voight
- Grades: Pre-K to 2nd Grade
- Extended (After School) Care Available
- School Hours: 7:40am - 2:40pm
- 7:15am: Preschool children should be walked to their classroom by their parents and signed in between 7:15 and 7:40.
- 7:15am: 4K through 2nd Grade students can be dropped off at the back entrance for supervised play until school begins.
- 7:35am: First Bell
- 7:40am: Second Bell
- 7:40am - 10:40am: 3- and 4-year-old Morning (Half Day) Preschool (Monday-Friday options)
- 7:40am - 2:40pm: 3- and 4-year-old All Day Preschool (Monday-Friday options)
- 7:40am - 2:40pm: Full Day 4-year-old Kindergarten, 5-year-old Kindergarten, and Grades 1-2
- 2:40pm - 5:30pm: Extended (After School) Care
- Morning Drop Off Instructions & After School Pickup Instructions NEW FOR 2024-25! Click here for map
- In an effort to make morning drop off more efficient and reduce some of the congestion caused by morning Mass parking, we'll be doing things a bit differently this year. Link above is a detailed explanation, along with pictures, to help guide in through the new rules.
- Preschool parents: There will be blue parking stalls directly in front on the building for you to use. St. John's parishioners will be asked not to park there for morning Mass. You can also use these for pick up if your child is not attending aftercare.
- 4K - 2nd parents: For drop-off, please approach the Cleveland Street entrance to the parking lot from the west so you can turn right into the parking lot. This will avoid having to cross through traffic. You can park as shown in the pictures, or you can simply use the drive-through lane.
- 4K-5K Pick Up: Please try to leave the blue parking stalls for the preschool parents who have to come into the building to check their child out of the classroom. At 2:45 when the bell rings, though, feel free to use these spots as many preschoolers will already be checked out or heading to aftercare.
Parent Resources