Two Ways to Pledge
- You can download a PDF version of our Pledge Form, print it and return it with your donation (or first installment)
- Or you can fill out our online Pledge Form and donate (or make first installment) with your credit card.
Visit our “Ways to Give” page to learn other ways to donate, such as ACH, gifts of stock, etc.
1. Download Our Form
Download and print the PDF Pledge Form and return it to us with (first) payment. Please make checks payable to: Columbus Catholic Schools. Mail or drop off Pledge Form to Columbus Catholic Schools Fieldhouse Campaign, Attn: Krisann Mauritz, 710 S. Columbus Ave., Marshfield, WI 54449
2. Online Pledge Form
Fill out our online pledge form below; your answers will remain confidential and will be directed to our Director of Giving & Events. After you click “Submit” you will be directed to our ONLINE DONATION PORTAL where you can make a donation (or your first payment) with your credit card.