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This year’s Fund-A-Need will focus on the students and their needs. Thanks to our generous Galleon patrons in the past, we’ve had much success with: upgrading technology in all our buildings; installing new lockers in the Middle and High school; providing safety to our students with new doors in the Middle and High school; and installing a new sound system in the gymnasium.  

As enrollment continues to go up, so does the need for new and improved student furniture.  And fortunately for us, a world-class supplier of educational furniture, equipment and supplies is located right in our back yard!  Working in conjunction with Marshfield Book & Stationery (MBS), we are endeavoring to raise approximately $60,000 to purchase student desks at St. John the Baptist Primary School; and replace student furniture at Our Lady of Peace Intermediate School and the Columbus Media Center.  

St. John the Baptist Primary School

Thanks to an anonymous donor, most student seating is already up-to-date; but some of the desks in the first- and second-grade classrooms are so old, no one knows exactly how old they or even from what decade they are from! We would like to replace these with (approximately 100+) open-front desks made of durable hard plastic and metal book boxes for storage… to withstand even the most active and rambunctious young student!  The new desks would also be adjustable to fit each student’s height.

Columbus Media Center and Our Lady of Peace Intermediate School

Have you ever sat in the Media Center and worried that the chair will buckle under you? Have you ever sat in the blue cushioned chairs and felt the back reclining… when you know it’s not supposed to?  Purchasing new chairs will take those fears away for both you and our students. 

Our Media Center is used daily for study halls and club meetings during lunch.  We would like to swap out the wooden chairs with more durable hard-plastic chairs; and we would replace the battered lounge chairs with long-lasting foam core student seating.  

At Our Lady of Peace Intermediate School, we would also like purchase additional adaptive seating, like wobble stools, and additional standing desks and stools.

Why is this important?

It is difficult for students to learn or focus on homework when they are uncomfortable.  We feel that student furniture – that is conducive to learning - is another way for Columbus to provide a quality education to our students.  And working with a local supplier, supporting the community is an added bonus!

Columbus Catholic Schools is committed to helping students succeed, and we need your help to provide some necessary tools for their success.  This year we invite you to participate in the continued success of the Fund-A-Need Program by supporting a much-needed upgrade of student furniture.   Your donation will help us create a learning environment where our students can thrive and reach their full potential. This Fund-A-Need is an investment in the future of students and education at our schools.