We have our very own Giving Day! We will have fun challenges and special messages all day long. Watch our website and Facebook page for more details. We hope you join us! Last year during our Giving Day we surpassed our goal! Can we do it again?
GOAL: $3,500
Giving Day Activities

Everyone who makes a donation to the Annual Fund during our Giving Day will be put into a drawing for Season Passes to the winner’s choice of SC Football; or Columbus Volleyball, Boys Basketball or Girls Basketball.

To be put in a drawing for Columbus Merch (your choice of an umbrella, blanket or slides), you'll need to participate in one, two or all of our Facebook activities! The more you participate, the greater your odds of winning. Deadline is 3:00pm.
How to donate during our Giving Day:
- Make a donation online with your credit card on February 11th
- Drop off your donation to Columbus High/Middle School Front Office (Attn: Annual Fund Giving Day) on February 11th
- If you mailed your donation, it MUST arrive on or prior to Feb. 11th
Any questions should be directed to Angela Loucks, Director of Marketing & Admissions at 715-387-1177 ext. 3318 or email loucks.angela@columbusdons.org