- Back To School Used Uniform Sale
- Columbus School Apparel/Uniforms Buy/Sell/Trade Facebook Group
- www.frenchtoast.com V-Neck Pleated Jumper - green plaid
- JC Penney
- Kohl's
- Lands' End
- Old Navy
- Schoolbelles - School Code 1937
- Target
- Uniform Rental Program
- Wal-Mart
Back To School Used Uniform Sale
- Friday, August 23, 2024: Uniform Resale Purchase Event, 1:00pm – 3:00pm at the Our Lady of Peace Intermediate School Gym
- Saturday, August 24, 2024: Uniform Resale Purchase Event 10:00am – 12:00pm at the Our Lady of Peace Intermediate School Gym
- Any questions please contact: Apfelbeck.carrie@columbusdons.org
New this year: all of the rental program skirts and jumpers will be available at the uniform exchange on a first come first serve basis. You will be able to borrow one skirt or jumper per daughter for the school year. The skirt or jumper must be returned to the school by the last day of school or you will charged for the replacement cost. If you not able to attend the uniform exchange email Carrie Apfelbeck at apfelbeck.carrie@columbusdons.org to make arrangements.